Hi everyone! I'm

Emilio Rodriguez

Software Engineer & IT

"One thing at a time". I'm trying to follow that quote every day as my mantra. Currently, I'm focused on improve myself 1% each day.

.// you can see my projects in Guithub

const githubLink =

.// and we also could connect in LinkedIn

const linkedinLink =

About me

I'm that guy with a bunch of energy and loads of ideas swirling around in the digital world. I've been reading and soaking up knowledge because I was obsessed with finding "the idea" to launch the next million-dollar business. But you know what? I realized that the most important thing is just to START!

Following the wise advice of Ray Dalio, I'm now embracing the idea of making mistakes... but each time, they're getting better! So, here I am, giving life to this website thanks to that mindset.